The Team

Sydney College of Divinity is a leading Christian Higher Education Provider with self-accrediting authority. We seek to foster self-directed and lifelong learning, equipping our students for effective professional and lay ministry in a rapidly changing environment.

Professor Neil Ormerod

Executive Officer (Research Analytics), Office of the Dean
BA(Hons), PhD, BD, TheolM, DTheol, FACTA

Neil joined the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) at the beginning of 2019, after working at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) for 14 years. He is widely published with 14 books and over 80 articles in peer reviewed journals and over 30 book chapters, with Australian and international publishers. In 2013 he was made a Fellow of the Australian Catholic Theological Association, the first lay theologian so honoured. Previous to his position at ACU Neil worked in various Sydney College of Divinity colleges including the Catholic Institute of Sydney. His theological interests include the Trinity, Christian anthropology (sin and grace), historical ecclesiology and Christology. He is recognised as an expert on the work of Catholic philosopher and theologian, Bernard Lonergan.

His work with the Sydney College of Divinity is to focus on the research culture of the SCD, with a special interest in the research quality of the outputs of SCD faculty members. He works closely with the SCD Research Director Jim Harrison in running workshops and sessions to promote research quality across the various colleges of the SCD.

  • 2017

    Faith and Reason: The Possibility of a Christian Philosophy

    Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017, 209pp.

  • 2015

    Foundational Theology: A New Approach to Catholic Fundamental Theology

    with Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015, xiv+359pp.

  • 2015

    A Public God: Natural Theology Reconsidered

    Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015, xi+196pp.

  • 2014

    Re-Visioning the Church: An Experiment in Systematic-Historical Ecclesiology

    Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014, 416pp.

  • 2013

    Creator God, Evolving World

    With Cynthia Crysdale, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2013, xiv+168pp.

Book Chapters and Refereed Articles
  • 2019

    Grace, Nature and the theorem of the supernatural – a Trinitarian perspective

    Louvain Studies,42 (2019), 26-42.

  • 2019

    Louvain Studies,42 (2019), 26-42.

    with Jonathan Heaps, Theological Studies. 80 (2019), 346–369.

  • 2018

    Sacred heart, beatific mind: exploring the consciousness of Jesus

    with Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer, Theological Studies 79 (2018): 729–744.

  • 2018

    Doing the will of the Father: Jesus’s Freedom and the Beatific Vision

    Irish Theological Quarterly,83/3 (2018), 203–216.

  • 2018

    Social science and ideological critiques of ecclesiology

    in Paul Avis (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology (Oxford: OUP, 2018), 553–72.