The Team

Sydney College of Divinity is a leading Christian Higher Education Provider with self-accrediting authority. We seek to foster self-directed and lifelong learning, equipping our students for effective professional and lay ministry in a rapidly changing environment.

Professor Darren Cronshaw

Head of Research & Professor of Missional Leadership, Australian College of Ministries
BA, DipEd, MLitt, BTh(hons), TheolM, DMin, DTheol, GradDipHE, CertIVTAA, CertIVLeadership&Mgt, FHERDSA

Professor Darren Cronshaw is passionate about training, coaching, and resourcing leaders and missionaries. Alongside his academic work, Darren is a Chaplain (Part-Time) with the Australian Army and has served at the Army School of Transport in Puckapunyal and 1 Recruit Training Battalion in Kapooka. He is an ordained Baptist pastor and also currently serves as Pastor of AuburnLife Baptist Church in Melbourne and as honorary Chaplain at Swinburne University. For 10 years he served the broader tribe of Baptist churches in Victoria as Coordinator of Leadership Training (2007-12) and Mission Catalyst – Researcher (2012-17).

Darren has written broadly on missional leadership, public theology, congregational transformation and the engagement of the gospel with culture. He serves on editorial committees including Mission Studies, Exchange, Practical Theology and the new book series Faith and Justice in these Lands Now Called Australia. His current research supervision includes topics of leadership, diaspora missiology, congregational studies, ministry in pandemic times, and military moral injury.

  • 2018

    Reimagining Home: Understanding, Reconciling and Engaging with God's Stories Together

    Cronshaw, D., Dewerse, R., & Jackson, D., Morling Press Sydney 2018

  • 2017

    Dangerous Prayer: Discovering a missional spirituality in the Lord's Prayer

    Paternoster Press Milton Keynes 2017

  • 2014

    Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians

    Hammond, K., and Cronshaw D., IVP, Downers Grove 2014

  • 2013

    Baptists in Australia: A Church with a Tradition and a Future

    Hughes, P., and Cronshaw, D., CRA, Melbourne 2013

  • 2006

    Credible Witness: Companions, Prophets, Hosts and Other Australian Mission Models UNOH

    Publications, Melbourne 2006

Book Chapters and Refereed Articles
  • 2021

    Hopeful cross-cultural encounters to support student well-being and graduate attributes in higher education

    Daddow, A., Cronshaw, D., Daddow N., and Sandy, R. Journal of Studies in International Education 24:4, (pp.474-490) DOI

  • 2021

    Strengthening inter-cultural literacy and minority voices through narratives of healthy religious pluralism in higher education

    International Journal of Inclusive Education 25:10, (pp.1174-1189) DOI

  • 2021

    Formation, continuity and multiplication of churches within Australian Church Planting Movement (CPM) Paradigms

    Cronshaw, D., and Milne, D., Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 12:1 (Winter-Spring). Missiodeijournal.Com

  • 2021

    Beyond Divisive Categorization in Young Adult Fiction: Lessons from Divergent

    International Journal of Public Theology 15:4 (Nov) (pp. 426-445)

  • 2021

    An Elephant in the Room: University Chaplains Nurturing Healthy Religious Diversity through Respectful Dialogue

    Cronshaw, D., and Daddow, N., Journal of Beliefs & Values 42:4 (pp. 466-481)

  • 2021

    Finding Common Ground: Grassroots Dialogue Principles for Interreligious Learning at University

    Journal of Religious Education 69 (March), (pp. 127-144)

  • 2020

    Look Beyond the Mask: What We Ignore about Family & Domestic Violence Can Kill

    Australian Army Chaplaincy Journal (pp. 46-59)

  • 2020

    Missio Dei is Mission Trinitas: Sharing the Whole Life of God, Father, Son and Spirit

    Mission Studies 37:1, March (pp. 119-141)

  • 2020

    Exploring local church praxis of public theology

    International Journal of Public Theology 14, (pp.68-96)

  • 2020

    Re-valuing research in theological education

    Higher Education Research and Development Journal 39:1, (pp.53-66)

  • 2019

    On the Brink of Everything: Embracing Generativity with Parker Palmer In Seibel, C.

    The Generative Church: Global Conversations about Investing in Emerging Generations (pp. 185-202)

  • 2019

    Resisting the Empire in Young Adult Fiction: Lessons from Hunger Games

    International Journal of Public Theology 13, (pp.119-139)

  • 2019

    “Growing Young” in Australian Baptist Churches: Surveying Formation, Belonging and Mission

    Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context 48:2, (pp.156-181)

  • 2019

    “Sticky Faith” in Australian Baptist Churches: Surveying Generational Participation and Ministry Priorities

    Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context 48:1, (pp.3-25)

  • 2019

    Embodied Spiritual Practices on the Run: Six Exercises for a Spirituality of Running

    Darren Cronshaw and Stephen Parker, Practical Theology 12:3, June (pp.239-249)

  • 2018

    Beyond Divisive Categorization in Young Adult Fiction: Lessons from Divergent' In Maher, A.

    Explorations in Practical Theology: Engaging the Politics of Division, [Association of Practical Theology in Oceania conference volume]

  • 2018

    The Relational Teacher: Sharing Life as Vocational Essence

    In Wondering about God Together: Research Led Learning and Teaching in Theological Education, eds. Les Ball and Peter Bolt. SCD Press, Sydney 2018 (pp. 338-351)

  • 2017

    Reimagining Faith-based Leadership for the Greater Good

    Cronshaw, D., Barnett, B., Daddow, N., Duncan, B., and Morgan, F., in Wellbeing, Personal Wholeness and the Social Fabric: An Interdisciplinary Approach, eds. Harrison, J., Costache, D., and Cronshaw, D., Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle upon Tyne 2017 (pp.266-296)

  • 2015

    A Commission “Great” for Whom? Postcolonial Contrapuntal Readings of Matthew 28:18-20 and the Irony of William Carey

    Transformation 33:2, (pp.110-123)