Reimagining Home: Understanding, Reconciling and Engaging with God's Stories Together
Cronshaw, D., Dewerse, R., & Jackson, D., Morling Press Sydney 2018
Dangerous Prayer: Discovering a missional spirituality in the Lord's Prayer
Paternoster Press Milton Keynes 2017
Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians
Hammond, K., and Cronshaw D., IVP, Downers Grove 2014
Baptists in Australia: A Church with a Tradition and a Future
Hughes, P., and Cronshaw, D., CRA, Melbourne 2013
Credible Witness: Companions, Prophets, Hosts and Other Australian Mission Models UNOH
Publications, Melbourne 2006
Hopeful cross-cultural encounters to support student well-being and graduate attributes in higher education
Daddow, A., Cronshaw, D., Daddow N., and Sandy, R. Journal of Studies in International Education 24:4, (pp.474-490) DOI
Strengthening inter-cultural literacy and minority voices through narratives of healthy religious pluralism in higher education
International Journal of Inclusive Education 25:10, (pp.1174-1189) DOI
Formation, continuity and multiplication of churches within Australian Church Planting Movement (CPM) Paradigms
Cronshaw, D., and Milne, D., Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis 12:1 (Winter-Spring). Missiodeijournal.Com
Beyond Divisive Categorization in Young Adult Fiction: Lessons from Divergent
International Journal of Public Theology 15:4 (Nov) (pp. 426-445)
An Elephant in the Room: University Chaplains Nurturing Healthy Religious Diversity through Respectful Dialogue
Cronshaw, D., and Daddow, N., Journal of Beliefs & Values 42:4 (pp. 466-481)
Finding Common Ground: Grassroots Dialogue Principles for Interreligious Learning at University
Journal of Religious Education 69 (March), (pp. 127-144)
Look Beyond the Mask: What We Ignore about Family & Domestic Violence Can Kill
Australian Army Chaplaincy Journal (pp. 46-59)
Missio Dei is Mission Trinitas: Sharing the Whole Life of God, Father, Son and Spirit
Mission Studies 37:1, March (pp. 119-141)
Exploring local church praxis of public theology
International Journal of Public Theology 14, (pp.68-96)
Re-valuing research in theological education
Higher Education Research and Development Journal 39:1, (pp.53-66)
On the Brink of Everything: Embracing Generativity with Parker Palmer In Seibel, C.
The Generative Church: Global Conversations about Investing in Emerging Generations (pp. 185-202)
Resisting the Empire in Young Adult Fiction: Lessons from Hunger Games
International Journal of Public Theology 13, (pp.119-139)
“Growing Young” in Australian Baptist Churches: Surveying Formation, Belonging and Mission
Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context 48:2, (pp.156-181)
“Sticky Faith” in Australian Baptist Churches: Surveying Generational Participation and Ministry Priorities
Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context 48:1, (pp.3-25)
Embodied Spiritual Practices on the Run: Six Exercises for a Spirituality of Running
Darren Cronshaw and Stephen Parker, Practical Theology 12:3, June (pp.239-249)
Beyond Divisive Categorization in Young Adult Fiction: Lessons from Divergent' In Maher, A.
Explorations in Practical Theology: Engaging the Politics of Division, [Association of Practical Theology in Oceania conference volume]
The Relational Teacher: Sharing Life as Vocational Essence
In Wondering about God Together: Research Led Learning and Teaching in Theological Education, eds. Les Ball and Peter Bolt. SCD Press, Sydney 2018 (pp. 338-351)
Reimagining Faith-based Leadership for the Greater Good
Cronshaw, D., Barnett, B., Daddow, N., Duncan, B., and Morgan, F., in Wellbeing, Personal Wholeness and the Social Fabric: An Interdisciplinary Approach, eds. Harrison, J., Costache, D., and Cronshaw, D., Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle upon Tyne 2017 (pp.266-296)
A Commission “Great” for Whom? Postcolonial Contrapuntal Readings of Matthew 28:18-20 and the Irony of William Carey
Transformation 33:2, (pp.110-123)