The Team

Sydney College of Divinity is a leading Christian Higher Education Provider with self-accrediting authority. We seek to foster self-directed and lifelong learning, equipping our students for effective professional and lay ministry in a rapidly changing environment.

Dr André van Oudtshoorn

Acting Principal, Academic Dean & Lecturer, Perth Bible College, Australian College of Christian Studies
BA, BD, Dip Th, DTh

Dr André van Oudtshoorn is an ordained minister of the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia and is also the Senior Pastor at Scarborough Baptist Church. Andre was the Executive Director of Searchlight Communications which produced Christian programmes for the South African Broadcasting Corporation. Originally from South Africa, he has lectured in many lands and seeks to place Christ as the central focus in all he teaches and lives.

Book Chapters and Refereed Articles
  • 2017

    Where have all the demons gone?: the role and place of the devil in the Gospel of John

    In Neotestamentica Issue 1 Volume 51, 65-82

  • 2013

    Onherhaalbaar, onontdoenbaar: die doop as simbool van eenheid in die kerk

    In HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies Issue 1 Volume 69, 1-7