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Sydney College of Divinity is a leading Christian Higher Education Provider with self-accrediting authority. We seek to foster self-directed and lifelong learning, equipping our students for effective professional and lay ministry in a rapidly changing environment.

Associate Professor David McEwan

Director of Research, Nazarene Theological College
HND (London), MDiv (NTS Kansas City), PhD (UQ)

Associate Professor David McEwan has pastored Nazarene churches in Scotland, England, and Australia before becoming Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology at Nazarene Theological College, Brisbane, in 1997. He has taught at a number of theological colleges in Australia and at other Nazarene colleges in the USA and the Asia-Pacific region. His PhD thesis was published by Paternoster Press under the title Wesley as a Pastoral Theologian, and it focused on John Wesley’s theological methodology in pastoral practice. David’s research interests are: Wesleyan ecclesiology and its implications for worship and mission; articulating the doctrine of Christian Perfection for today; Wesleyan theological method and its implications/application for pastoral ministry and spiritual formation.

David is an Associate Professor at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University; an Honorary Associate Professor at the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Queensland; and a Research Supervisor at the University of Manchester, UK. David currently pastors the Logan Community Church of the Nazarene.

  • 2017

    Exploring a Wesleyan Theology

    Lenexa: Global Nazarene Publications, 2017

  • 2015

    The Life of God in the Soul: the Integration of Love, Holiness and Happiness in the Thought of John Wesley

    Carlisle: Paternoster, 2015

Book Chapters and Refereed Articles
  • 2019

    The Relationship of Divine Love, Mercy and Justice from a Wesleyan Perspective

    In Justice, Mercy and Wellbeing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Eugene: Pickwick, 2019

  • 2018

    “Unite the Pair So Long Disjoined, Knowledge and Vital Piety”: What is the Role of Research in This Process?

    In Wondering About God Together: Research-Led Learning and Teaching in Theological Education. Sydney: SCD Press, 2018

  • 2017

    Personal and Community Well-being: A Wesleyan Theological Framework for Overcoming Prejudice

    In Well-being, Personal Wholeness and the Social Fabric: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2017