Master of Divinity (Korean)

CRICOS 082727D

About this course

The Master of Divinity (MDiv) (Korean) is an AQF Level 9 Masters Degree (Extended) award delivered in Korean. It provides a systematic and comprehensive study of theological and related disciplines through a structure of specialisations and sub-specialisations.

The Master of Divinity (Korean) course is designed for two categories of candidates:

  • those who hold a tertiary qualification in a non-theological discipline, who seek a comprehensive education in theology comparable in breadth and depth to the Bachelor of Theology (Korean), including a deeper biblical and theological understanding, spiritual formation, and cultural literacy that will prepare them for ordained or other professional ministry in church, para-church or non-profit organisations, and other similar vocational settings.
  • those who hold a tertiary qualification in a theological discipline who wish to pursue a graduate qualification in theology as part of their continuing ministerial education.

An applicant for admission to candidature for a degree of Master of Divinity (Korean) shall:

  • have completed a three-year degree from an accredited university in Korea. This graduation is considered evidence of Korean language literacy sufficient to undertake the course; or
  • hold, from a university or other tertiary institution, qualifications approved by the Student Administration Committee as equivalent to the requirements set out in the paragraph above; or
  • hold an SCD Graduate Certificate in Arts (Korean): to receive the award the student is required to complete a further 180 credit points (20 units), and hand back the GradCertArts (Korean) upon graduation; or
  • hold an SCD Graduate Diploma of Arts (Korean): to receive the award the student is required to complete a further 144 credit points (16 units), and hand back the GradDipArts (Korean) upon graduation; or
  • hold an SCD Master of Arts (Korean)(108 credit point): to receive the award the student is required to complete a further 108 credit points (12 units), and hand back the MA (Korean) upon graduation; or
  • have qualified for admission to a three-year degree from an accredited Australian tertiary institution and proven fluency in the Korean language: Korean as first language or, for non-native-Korean speakers, Korean proficiency: level 6 out of 6 levels in the Yonsei University Korean Language Test.
  • have some proficiency in the English language.


Notwithstanding the provisions of this regulation, the Student Administration Committee may require an applicant to demonstrate fitness for admission as a candidate for a degree of Master of Divinity (Korean) by carrying out such work and/or sitting for such examinations as the Student Administration Committee may determine.


In exceptional cases, an applicant may be admitted as a candidate for a degree of Master of Divinity (Korean) if the applicant submits evidence of other academic and professional attainments to the Student Administration Committee.


No candidate for the award may be concurrently enrolled in any other undergraduate or postgraduate course within the Sydney College of Divinity or any other tertiary institution unless approval has been granted by the Academic Board.


Korean Proficiency

In this course all teaching is conducted in the Korean language. All teaching and support staff are native Korean-language speakers. The course materials are in the Korean language. Graduates are expected to work in a Korean language context.


Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where Korean is not the language of instruction must be fluent in the Korean language and have achieved Korean proficiency equivalent to a level 6 on the 6-level Yonsei University Korean Language Test.


English Proficiency
  • Satisfactory completion of at least one year study of English as a subject in high school or in an English-only language school or other training centre, or
  • Satisfactory completion of a post-school award of at least 6 months duration where teaching was in English, or
  • Satisfactory completion of a test approved by the Sydney College of Divinity that demonstrates that the candidate can speak, write and read English.

Every program for the award shall consist of no fewer than 216 credit points.

Every program shall include either two specialisations and one sub- specialisation or one specialisation and two sub-specialisations. A specialisation requires 54 credit points from units assigned to the specialisation with a minimum of 18 credit points from 9600 series units. A sub-specialisation requires 36 credit points from the units assigned to the specialisation, including no more than 18 credit points from 8500 series units or, with the approval of the Academic Board, up to 36 credit points from 9600 level units.

All course units shall normally be taken from 8500 and 9600 series units in the SCD Schedule of Units of Study.


Every program for the award shall include:

  • a minimum of 72 credit points in 9600 series units;
  • not more than 72 credit points from Philosophy;
  • at least a sub-specialisation from Biblical Studies;
  • students completing a specialisation in Biblical Studies must also complete at least 2 units in Biblical languages which are in addition to the 6 units required for the specialisation;
  • at least a sub-specialisation from Theology;
  • at least one unit in Church History;
  • at least 9 credit points in Theological English
  • at least 36 credit points from the following sub-disciplines: Christian Ethics, Christian Spirituality, Worship & Liturgy, Mission, Pastoral Theology;
  • not more than 108 credit points in Pastoral Theology
  • a Generic (Research) unit and / or a Capstone unit and /or a Research Project with a professional focus as found in the Schedule of Units of Study;
  • A candidate may take a maximum of 36 credit points in units listed as Generic (Research) units in the Schedule of Units of Study with a maximum of 18 credit points in Independent Guided Study units, 18 credit points in Research Project units, and 18 credit points as a Research Essay. Students who transfer from the MDiv (Korean Medium) to either the MA or the MTh cannot exceed this limit in total across both programs;
  • The 18 credit points Research Essay is 10,000-12,000 words in length and written in an area of specialisation under supervision of a staff member of the Teaching Body. Each student enrolled in the Research Essay must complete a 8500-series Research Methodology Unit (9 cr pts) that can be completed before or concurrently with the Research Essay.


Every course unit requires students to demonstrate mastery of basic English-language vocabulary and comprehension of English-language passages related to that unit before enrolling in further units. All course units shall be taken from the Sydney College of Divinity Schedule of Units of Study.

Graduates will have specialised knowledge and skills for research, and/or professional practice and/or further learning and the ability to apply such knowledge and skills in a theologically-related area, as they acquire:


  • an advanced and integrated understanding of an advanced body of knowledge in some theologically related disciplines or areas of practice, including the extended understanding of recent developments in theology and/or theological practice
  • understanding of research principles and methods applicable to theological disciplines and their practice


  • expert, specialized cognitive and technical skills in a theologically-related body of knowledge, so that they are able independently to:
  • analyse critically, reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories associated with a theologically-related body of knowledge
  • research and apply established theories to a theologically-related body of knowledge or practice
  • interpret and transmit knowledge, skills and ideas through coherent and sustained argument to specialist and non-specialist audiences in relation to a theologically-related body of knowledge


Applications of Knowledge and Skills

the ability to

  • apply knowledge and skills in a way that demonstrates autonomy, expert judgment, adaptability, and accountability as a practitioner or learner in relation to the inter-dependent building up of the church and good of the wider community.
  • plan and execute a substantial research-based project, capstone experience and/or professionally focussed project in an area of theology.

A candidate may seek credit up to a maximum of 108 credit points in the Master of Divinity (Korean). Credit can be granted from units at graduate level where the outcomes, content, demand hours and assessment are equivalent to that of units in the Sydney College of Divinity award.

Credit can be also granted when a candidate holds the SCD Bachelor of Theology (Korean) and was admitted into the BTh(K) prior to 2014: up to a maximum of 54 credit points allocated at 8500 level units, with a maximum of 18 credit points in any one discipline area.


Exit Points

A range of exit points are available from the Master of Divinity(Korean). These include the Graduate Certificate in Arts (Korean), Graduate Diploma of Arts (Korean), Master of Arts (Korean) and Master of Theology(Korean). For these to be available, the student must complete units that met the requirements of the exiting award.

Enrolment for the Master of Divinity (Korean) must be made to the Registrar of the teaching institution. The registrar will be able to help you with all information regarding your study, including fees, units, mode of delivery and timetable.

A domestic Sydney College of Divinity student is designated as a full-time if enrolled in 27 credit points or more in a semester, or part-time if enrolled in fewer than 27 credit points per semester. To complete a unit, a student must have been present for at least 80% of all prescribed activities, regardless of the mode of delivery.


International students

International students are subject to the conditions of their Australian student visa and are required to maintain a full-time enrolment of 4 units (36 credit points) per semester, including a minimum of one unit per semester in face-to-face mode, and at least two-thirds of the total units in face-to-face mode. If you are planning to enrol as an international student, you have the responsibility to ensure that you comply with your visa conditions at all times. Learn more about your responsibilities, rights and what studying in Australia can offer you.

Sydney College of Divinity English awards are offered to international students at some colleges. For more information email us at [email protected]