Graduate Diploma of Arts

CRICOS 063707K

About this course

The Graduate Diploma of Arts (GradDipArts) is an AQF Level 8 award. It is designed for those who hold a tertiary qualification in a non-theological discipline, who wish to pursue a graduate qualification in theology, and who are seeking skills in theological studies to enhance their professional work. Graduates will be able to apply a body of theological knowledge in a range of contexts relating to ministry and/or further learning.

Australia Student Visa holders are required to study full-time (at least two-thirds face-to-face) and can study at

  • Australian College of Christian Studies (NSW and WA)
  • Nazarene Theological College (QLD)

An applicant for admission to candidature for a degree of Graduate Diploma of Arts shall hold a three-year AQF Level 7 award or equivalent in any discipline.

Students with an SCD Graduate Certificate in Arts may enter the program. To receive the award they are required to complete a further 36 credit points (4 units) and surrender the GradCertArts upon graduation.


English Proficiency

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally require a minimum IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.0 in all bands of the test.

The Graduate Diploma of Arts requires the completion of 72 credit points (8 units).


  • All course units will be taken from the Sydney College of Divinity Schedule of Units of Study in the 8100 and 9200 series,
  • The course may be taken with or without a specialisation. A specialisation in the Graduate Diploma comprises 36 credit points in a subdiscipline, with at least one 9200-series unit,
  • Students who enter the program from a Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Ministry, Master of Divinity, or equivalent course cannot enrol in units with content similar to those covered in their earlier studies.

Graduates will have:

  • an advanced understanding, within a coherent body of knowledge, in one or more theologically-related disciplines or areas of practice,
  • potential acquisition and application of knowledge and skills in a new or existing discipline or professional area.



Graduates will have cognitive and technical skills in a theologically-related body of knowledge, so that they are able independently to:

  • review, reflect on, and synthesize theological information and identify and provide resources towards resolving complex problems,
  • think critically and evaluate complex ideas,
  • apply specialised and creative skills in Christian living and ministry,
  • communicate theologically-related knowledge, skills, and ideas to a variety of audiences.


Applications of Knowledge and Skills

Graduates will have the ability to:

  • make high level, independent judgments related to a range of issues pertaining to Christian living and/or ministry,
  • where the course is taken with specialisation, plan and evaluate activities and projects within a particular ministry setting.

A candidate may seek credit up to a maximum of 36 credit points in the Graduate Diploma of Arts. Credit can be granted only from units at the graduate level where the outcomes, content, demand hours, and assessment are equivalent to that of units in the Sydney College of Divinity award.


Exit points

Students enrolled in the GradDipArts may exit with the Graduate Certificate in Arts provided they have met the requirements of the award.


Articulation to other awards

Students are eligible to articulate to the Master of Arts, on completion of which students are required to surrender their Graduate Diploma.

The Graduate Diploma in Arts is offered through the individual colleges and an application for enrolment must be made to the Registrar of the teaching institution. The registrar will be able to help you with any information regarding your study, including fees, units, mode of delivery, and timetable.


A domestic student at Sydney College of Divinity is designated as full-time if enrolled in three units (27 credit points) or more in a semester or part-time if enrolled in less than three units (27 credit points) per semester. SCD offers a wide range of units and students have the option to study one or more units across the colleges delivering SCD awards, whilst enrolled with one college.


International students

International students are subject to the conditions of their Australian student visa and are required to maintain a full-time enrolment of 4 units (36 credit points) per semester, including a minimum of one unit per semester in face-to-face mode, and at least two-thirds of the total units in face-to-face mode. If you are planning to enrol as an international student, you have the responsibility to ensure that you comply with your visa conditions at all times. Learn more about your responsibilities, rights, and what studying in Australia can offer you. Not all our teaching institutions offer study programs for international students. Check out the locations and courses offered to international students, and for more information email us at [email protected]