The Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) is a leader in theological education in Australia. SCD provides high quality teaching and learning, and accredited academic programs from diploma to doctoral level. The SCD Graduate Research School specialises in delivering research higher degrees to domestic and international students. Its students have access to researchers who are well-respected and widely published leaders in their field.
The Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) is an ecumenical cluster of colleges, which allows research candidates in the Graduate Research School to experience a rich diversity of scholarly and theological viewpoints. This strengthens the candidate’s own ability to think incisively across the academic disciplines and to reflect in a nuanced and appreciative manner about scholarly viewpoints and methodologies sometimes vastly different to their own.
The candidate’s research is conducted under the careful oversight of professionally in-serviced, well published, and experienced supervisors and associate supervisors. The SCD Research Seminars, at which candidates present their own papers and respond to the research of their colleagues, can be attended virtually by Zoom delivery, ensuring that interstate and overseas candidates can participate fully in a supportive academic community of their peers.
Historically, a strong interdisciplinary focus has characterised much of the research conducted at the SCD Graduate Research School, enabling graduates to integrate their faith at the highest academic level with the professions and ministry agencies in which they work.
The unique SCD Centre for Gospels and Acts Research provides candidates with an interest in Gospels and Acts studies the unprecedented opportunity not only of being supervised by internationally published scholars in the discipline, but also to participate in all that the Centre offers: namely, quarterly meetings at which papers are presented, a biennial one-day colloquium and biennial two-day conference, and finally, the potential of being published in the SCD Journal for Gospels and Acts Research or in a SCD Press collection of essays emanating from the conference.
Finally, continuous training for candidates in the thesis writing process is provided from the beginning to the completion of their candidature, either in face-to-face mode or virtually through the SCD Research portal.